Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Fun!

I found out what puppy class is. They get 5 other puppies and me in a room together and everyone wishes they had gotten a dog like me! I was the smallest but I didn't let them know it. When it was free for all time we all jumped in and tussled and played and all the humans were so amazed at how fearless I was. G was insulting, of course, and said I didn't have the sense to know that the next biggest dog was three times my size and that I should hang back for my own protection. Silly woman - what fun would that be?

As for the class itself. They learned sit (I already knew that command), stay ( I know the command, just don't care for it), down (I'm already close enough to the floor but I did it anyway. (G wouldn't stop till I did.) They talked about come but the vet said that it was too confusing for us to do it right now so when she said "Willow, Come!", I trotted right over and got all sorts of praise (and treats). Did I mention that you get treats for doing these things? Dumb humans. I'd do it for nothing but if they are going to hand out treats . . .who am I to refuse? We "socialized" with the other humans and dogs and then went on a fun walk. We went through all the vet's office rooms and there was something in every room for us to explore. Room 1 had Lucky, the hospital cat in his crate and we would go up and sniff him, he would hiss and we were supposed to back off cause that would scare us - HA! G has already got me used to cats and they can hiss all they want, I'm still gonna play. Room 1 also had an open umbrella for us to sniff. They are going to open and close it next week. Room 2 had a vacuum cleaner and a hairdryer. No biggie for me but you should have seen Georgia run. Funny. Room 3 had the vet and the exam table, vet tools and the scale to weigh on. She pretended to do an exam to get us use to the vet and so forth. The vet and G talked about my "drama queen" attitude and the vet asked G if I was the one in the room the other day when it sounded like a dog was being killed. G laughed and said, yep. This was not a funny conversation although they laughed. I pretended I didn't know either one of them. HUMMPPH. Next was the back hallway and boy, was this one fun. It was a tunnel. The vet tech was at one end of the tunnel and G at the other. They took turns putting a treat down at the other end of the tunnel so I could run to the other end and get the treat. They praised me and I thought they were nuts. But you know what? None of the other pups would go in the tunnel, much less through it. So I did good and don't know why. Oh, well - I got the treats and that's all that matters.

G and I have to figure out a special command just for us to learn, separate from what they teach us in class. This will be our graduation project. G is thinking about "dance" or "say your prayers". I think she's nuts. I guess as long as I get a treat I don't care what we do!

1 comment:

ashes2embers said...

Yay, she sounds like she's a good dog. We need to get Oscar into one of those classes.