Sunday, January 6, 2008

Chihuahua -ese

I'm really missing Coco but I have a new hobby so I can take my mind off of it. I chew G out every now and then. She says I'm a three pound dog with a hundred pound attitude. I think I should be insulted the way she says it but it sounds good to me.

Before when G left the house to go do whatever she does when she's away from the house, Coco kept me company and was my toy / pet. Now she leaves me alone!!!! I don't like it much but as soon as I know G is gone I settle down cuz it's not really all that bad. Just can't let her know that. Now that Coco isn't here I have to let G know how unacceptable it is to leave me alone. So - when she gets back, I sit in the middle of the floor and spend about five minutes letting her know just how awful it was to be alone. I can't make her understand my words but I think she gets the idea from my tone. I tell her WHAT FOR and she is properly repentant and gives me hugs and kisses when I'm finished. That's the part I don't like. She should pick me up immediately but she says that she will not reward my inappropriate behavior! AS IF!

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