Monday, January 14, 2008

FUN, PetSmart Style

Gramama pulled one over on me today. She took me to one of my two favorite places, PetSmart (the other is PetCo) and I thought it was for our regular run around, sniff everything, meet new friends trip. HUMMMPPHH, Did you know they have a place in there that cuts your nails???? I should have known something was going on because there was this cute guy getting a haircut - He was really fuzzy- and all these funny looking tables. G gave me to the lady and she took me over to make friends with Fuzzy and got something from the table. THEN she started clipping my nails! Now I have worked very hard to convince G that my nails should not be touched - ever and she pulls this trick on me. How rude! It takes two of them, one to strangle me within an inch of my life and the other to cut the ends of my feet off dripping blood down the tables, running in a long path on the floor. At least that's what I make G think and all the people in the store at the time believe. Tell G that I am NOT a drama queen - whatever that is.

Once I found safety in G's arms, we went into the store and made friends with YUMA. She is a 70 lb. pitbull who is having babies soon and we were instant friends. We pulled on our leashes when the humans would try to go different ways. We kept meeting up in the store and would dance with joy each time we saw each other. Then I met Peanut and Max, two Chihuahuas (not as pretty as me, but I didn't tell them that. G's trying to teach me manners.) After all the play, a new toy and a treat we left the store and I crashed in my crate in the car and forgot to let G know how awful it is to be in there.

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