Thursday, January 10, 2008

to the vet, to the vet, to the vet, vet, vet . . .

Today G took me on a trip. I thought we were going out for a ride and I got on my sweatshirt for warmth and my raincoat so I wouldn't get wet and happily went along. My first clue was the wonderful smells outside the building. Lots of other dogs had been there, I could tell. When we went inside, I realized something wasn't quite right. The ladies at the desk oooohhhhed and aaaahhhhed over me and held me and told me how brave I was. "Brave? hmmmmm, what am I being brave about?", I thought. G took me into a room and put me on the cold metal table and then that's when it hit me. SHE TOOK ME TO THE VET!! OH, NO! I was very nervous and very squirmy for the vet tech who was supposed to hold me while I got the exam. G kept telling her to hold me close to her chest and support my chest with her fingers between my front paws, but Emily wouldn't listen. The lady doctor (can't remember her name but she was nice - for a vet, anyway.) finally asked G to hold me and they ambushed me. They gave me a shot. I saw the needle and immediately started screaming - ask Sarah, she remembers. Everybody laughed at me and told me they hadn't even touched me. Well, EXCUSE ME! Sticking a sharp thing in my butt and then taking a sample of my poop - before it left my body, so use your imagination as to how they got that. They weighed me (4 lbs and 5 oz.) and pronounced me healthy. They could have just asked me. We got a puppy starter pack which is a small tote with lots of paper and stuff inside. G can have that - I took the treats. G signed me up for their puppy class - why I don't know - I already know how to be a puppy.

Due to her drama queen / diva attitude, I was given lots of hints of things to do to make it better. That whole scene making business is what she does when I cut her nails and she will not trick me again.