Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too Cute for Words

Gramama found this and we had to share.

A PUPPY has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat. The Chihuahua was born in May as one of a litter to a breeder. Shop owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of a thousand she had bred. She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named 'Heart-kun'. The long-coated male Chihuahua puppy was born in Odate, northern Japan.

____________________________________________________________ TOO PRECIOUS NOT TO SHARE

Monday, January 28, 2008

The rules of the game should be posted at the beginning of the post. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I am a 4 1/2 pound Chihuahua with a hundred pound attitude. I know this cause Gramama tells me that when I try to "talk" to her

2. My favorite toy this week is Bear with Kitty Cat coming in a close second.

3. My favorite game is to steal used tissues and shred them into a gazillion pieces. Second favorite is to steal used yogurt cups and shred them into a million pieces. The advantage of the yogurt cups is that if I do it under the covers, when G gets in bed, she screams real loud and puts on a show for me. She's fun to watch.

4. I didn't like a bag that G got for me so I ate the zipper so it wouldn't work. This way I can get in and out of the bag (which I do like) and G can't zip me in so I can't get out.

5. I love to go for walks and smell all the wonderful smells.

6. My favorite activity is going to visit G's friends. Aunt Ruth acts like she's not fond of me but she made me a couple of outfits and Aunt Vicki and Uncle Bill have two cats for me to play with. One day I'm going to grow on them and they won't hide from me.

I only have one person I can tag - really two. So AshestoEmbers? - you are hereby tagged. You both need to learn how to contribute on this blog. You can do it! I'm a dog and G is an old lady. How hard can it be????

Thursday, January 24, 2008

She isn't dead.

I finally stuck my nose into Gramamas face tonight so many times that she had to acknowledge me. I was kinda worried she might have croaked. She's been asleep since Monday night. She would get up to go to the bathroom or get something called yogurt (she won't let me have any of it so I don't know if it's any good.) Then - back to bed. I finally got her up tonight and the rude woman LEFT me! After all my work - rude. She said she went out to eat at someplace called Honey's and was only gone for an hour but still. Anyway, she played with me for an hour and now we are going back to bed. It's such a hard life for a little puppy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ruth is my hero.

I knew I liked G's friend, Ruth - NOW I'm sure. We went for FHE (and went to G's home teacher's house for dinner thereby doing two things at once) and Aunt Ruth had made me two fleece outfits! She had gone to buy a pattern that was on sale and saw a pattern for these fleece thingies for $1 and she had extra fleece pieces and she sat down and made me TWO. Isn't that sweet?

Now did I happen to mention why these fleece thingies are so important? NO? Well, last night it was 7 degrees at G's house. She said once you added in wind chill and so forth that it felt like
-16. Did I happen to mention that I'm not very fond of the cold weather they have here in NC? G went online last night to find the nearest warm place the we might visit and she decided that Florida was too far away - she said we could go to a hotel that let's you have pets AND has a "jacuzzi" in the room. I don't know what a jacuzzi is but if G says it's warm, then I'll believe her.

PS - G said that the weatherman is saying this whole week will be frozen. BRRRRR

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Bear

Did I tell you about Bear? G gave me several toys to play with but she gave me a special friend named Bear. He's nice and soft and cuddly and is my size. Not really my size but small enough for me to consider him a toy and not a companion - ya know? G has decided that since she has taught me to "give Gramama a kiss", which means to lick her chin then she can teach me to "give Bear a kiss". She's so funny. Bear is supposed to go in my mouth and be loved to death with my teeth. G has the funniest ideas. She thinks I'm going to go get Bear for her too. HAHAHAHA! She tells me that I can tell the difference between Bear, the ball, frog and all my other toys and will obey her! Don't ya just love the way those silly humans minds work????

Thursday, January 17, 2008

G's crashing

OK, now I'm getting worried about G. She's on new meds and the one for the coughs that she doesn't want to take, makes her feel funny, hold up the walls and walk funny. PLUS it makes her wiggly. She slept well the first night but last night was up nearly all night and finally went to sleep when the medicine wore off and she slept all day! When I tried to get her up she would shove me away and finally she put me in my crate! She woke up at 11:30 and is all wiggly again. Not fun any more.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Fun!

I found out what puppy class is. They get 5 other puppies and me in a room together and everyone wishes they had gotten a dog like me! I was the smallest but I didn't let them know it. When it was free for all time we all jumped in and tussled and played and all the humans were so amazed at how fearless I was. G was insulting, of course, and said I didn't have the sense to know that the next biggest dog was three times my size and that I should hang back for my own protection. Silly woman - what fun would that be?

As for the class itself. They learned sit (I already knew that command), stay ( I know the command, just don't care for it), down (I'm already close enough to the floor but I did it anyway. (G wouldn't stop till I did.) They talked about come but the vet said that it was too confusing for us to do it right now so when she said "Willow, Come!", I trotted right over and got all sorts of praise (and treats). Did I mention that you get treats for doing these things? Dumb humans. I'd do it for nothing but if they are going to hand out treats . . .who am I to refuse? We "socialized" with the other humans and dogs and then went on a fun walk. We went through all the vet's office rooms and there was something in every room for us to explore. Room 1 had Lucky, the hospital cat in his crate and we would go up and sniff him, he would hiss and we were supposed to back off cause that would scare us - HA! G has already got me used to cats and they can hiss all they want, I'm still gonna play. Room 1 also had an open umbrella for us to sniff. They are going to open and close it next week. Room 2 had a vacuum cleaner and a hairdryer. No biggie for me but you should have seen Georgia run. Funny. Room 3 had the vet and the exam table, vet tools and the scale to weigh on. She pretended to do an exam to get us use to the vet and so forth. The vet and G talked about my "drama queen" attitude and the vet asked G if I was the one in the room the other day when it sounded like a dog was being killed. G laughed and said, yep. This was not a funny conversation although they laughed. I pretended I didn't know either one of them. HUMMPPH. Next was the back hallway and boy, was this one fun. It was a tunnel. The vet tech was at one end of the tunnel and G at the other. They took turns putting a treat down at the other end of the tunnel so I could run to the other end and get the treat. They praised me and I thought they were nuts. But you know what? None of the other pups would go in the tunnel, much less through it. So I did good and don't know why. Oh, well - I got the treats and that's all that matters.

G and I have to figure out a special command just for us to learn, separate from what they teach us in class. This will be our graduation project. G is thinking about "dance" or "say your prayers". I think she's nuts. I guess as long as I get a treat I don't care what we do!

Monday, January 14, 2008

FUN, PetSmart Style

Gramama pulled one over on me today. She took me to one of my two favorite places, PetSmart (the other is PetCo) and I thought it was for our regular run around, sniff everything, meet new friends trip. HUMMMPPHH, Did you know they have a place in there that cuts your nails???? I should have known something was going on because there was this cute guy getting a haircut - He was really fuzzy- and all these funny looking tables. G gave me to the lady and she took me over to make friends with Fuzzy and got something from the table. THEN she started clipping my nails! Now I have worked very hard to convince G that my nails should not be touched - ever and she pulls this trick on me. How rude! It takes two of them, one to strangle me within an inch of my life and the other to cut the ends of my feet off dripping blood down the tables, running in a long path on the floor. At least that's what I make G think and all the people in the store at the time believe. Tell G that I am NOT a drama queen - whatever that is.

Once I found safety in G's arms, we went into the store and made friends with YUMA. She is a 70 lb. pitbull who is having babies soon and we were instant friends. We pulled on our leashes when the humans would try to go different ways. We kept meeting up in the store and would dance with joy each time we saw each other. Then I met Peanut and Max, two Chihuahuas (not as pretty as me, but I didn't tell them that. G's trying to teach me manners.) After all the play, a new toy and a treat we left the store and I crashed in my crate in the car and forgot to let G know how awful it is to be in there.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

to the vet, to the vet, to the vet, vet, vet . . .

Today G took me on a trip. I thought we were going out for a ride and I got on my sweatshirt for warmth and my raincoat so I wouldn't get wet and happily went along. My first clue was the wonderful smells outside the building. Lots of other dogs had been there, I could tell. When we went inside, I realized something wasn't quite right. The ladies at the desk oooohhhhed and aaaahhhhed over me and held me and told me how brave I was. "Brave? hmmmmm, what am I being brave about?", I thought. G took me into a room and put me on the cold metal table and then that's when it hit me. SHE TOOK ME TO THE VET!! OH, NO! I was very nervous and very squirmy for the vet tech who was supposed to hold me while I got the exam. G kept telling her to hold me close to her chest and support my chest with her fingers between my front paws, but Emily wouldn't listen. The lady doctor (can't remember her name but she was nice - for a vet, anyway.) finally asked G to hold me and they ambushed me. They gave me a shot. I saw the needle and immediately started screaming - ask Sarah, she remembers. Everybody laughed at me and told me they hadn't even touched me. Well, EXCUSE ME! Sticking a sharp thing in my butt and then taking a sample of my poop - before it left my body, so use your imagination as to how they got that. They weighed me (4 lbs and 5 oz.) and pronounced me healthy. They could have just asked me. We got a puppy starter pack which is a small tote with lots of paper and stuff inside. G can have that - I took the treats. G signed me up for their puppy class - why I don't know - I already know how to be a puppy.

Due to her drama queen / diva attitude, I was given lots of hints of things to do to make it better. That whole scene making business is what she does when I cut her nails and she will not trick me again.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gramama's post

Hey darling daughter who gave me a dog that has a permanent leak,

I assumed that Willow was named after the movie but last night as I was taking a bath and the dorky dog was trying to get in with me to play, I told her that she had left a vampire mark on my shoulder. That's when it hit me that Buffy, the Vampire Slayer's best friend was named Willow. So is she a tiny little man with lots of courage and an aptitude for getting in trouble or is she Buffy's friend?

from monster to toy


You know the monster I told you about? It turns out it's a new toy for me! I start to pester G (she's feeling puny) and she grabs the toy and points it at me. I stay a healthy distance back and start barking at it and rushing it to see if it's going to attack. Sometimes G laughs at me and the toy as we play and every now and then the toy throws something at me that I just can not catch. The only thing that is left after it attacks me is a little water but I still am a little wary of the whole thing.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Bottle Monster Attack

Mom and Dad! You've got to help me. That G has a new weapon she's using on me!!!! She calls it a "water bottle" but you guys know I like water and THIS I do NOT like! I've been very sad since Coco ran away and have added a few activities to bring me solace. You know how G's been sick the whole time I've known her? Well, when she's feeling really bad she gets in the bed and covers up with lots of blankets and makes a nice warm cave for me to play in. She has a box of tissues next to her and she puts them up to her nose and makes this horrible noise with it. I can't make that noise when I put my nose in a tissue so it must be some sort of special talent she has developed. The first few times she made the noise I ran as far from her as I possibly could but now I'm use to it. Anyhoo - I found out I could sneak out while she wasn't looking and go to her "used" box and snitch one and go hide and tear it into 8 gazillion pieces. What fun! (Don't ask me why but the tissues are only able to make the noise once and then get put in the used box.) The first time G found my stash of shredded tissue, she wasn't as appreciative as I thought she should be - after all, if I take them then she doesn't have to take them to the bigger box in the kitchen and then take that box out to the even bigger box at the road (another story for another time) which every now and then a really big box on wheels comes and steals the stuff in the box at the road. (Can you tell me why, I'm not allowed in the road? G has a fit when I get near it which, of course, just makes me want to do it even more.)

SO - G came home yesterday with this so called water bottle. She would act like she wasn't watching and when I would scoot out to get a tissue, she held up that thing and something came out and hit me in the face! How RUDE! Then it vanished. I couldn't even attack it to defend myself cause it just went poof and all that was left was a little bit of water on my face. After a few tries, I became very wary of the bottle thingy and when G left the room I attacked it. G came back to see what the noise was and SHE FELL DOWN LAUGHING! So now I watch very carefully before attempting my tissue raids. That bottle monster has MY respect if not my total dislike.

Hey, are you EVER gonna write me?

Love and kisses from your sweet and innocent daughter, Willow
(G's laughing as I dictate that - she's got a lot of nerve!)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Chihuahua -ese

I'm really missing Coco but I have a new hobby so I can take my mind off of it. I chew G out every now and then. She says I'm a three pound dog with a hundred pound attitude. I think I should be insulted the way she says it but it sounds good to me.

Before when G left the house to go do whatever she does when she's away from the house, Coco kept me company and was my toy / pet. Now she leaves me alone!!!! I don't like it much but as soon as I know G is gone I settle down cuz it's not really all that bad. Just can't let her know that. Now that Coco isn't here I have to let G know how unacceptable it is to leave me alone. So - when she gets back, I sit in the middle of the floor and spend about five minutes letting her know just how awful it was to be alone. I can't make her understand my words but I think she gets the idea from my tone. I tell her WHAT FOR and she is properly repentant and gives me hugs and kisses when I'm finished. That's the part I don't like. She should pick me up immediately but she says that she will not reward my inappropriate behavior! AS IF!