Friday, December 21, 2007

Message from Gramama

I'm having trouble deciding whether these two dogs are a joy or a pain. They also may be one dog with eight legs. One thing is for sure, they get along. Too well.

The one dog, eight legs remark - imagine the huge dog standing upright and then walking forward. Now place a little dog between her front legs. They are now walking along. In unison. The now one dog has two heads and eight legs. It is a strange sight to behold.

These two also have an ability to get in trouble together. Alone neither of them chew plastic to shreds. Together - oh my! Coco now seeks stuff for the two of them to eat/chew. I don't even want to think about the tray of cookies that somehow jumped off of the counter and made it's way to the floor so that every cookie could vanish. Wonder where they went? Yeah, right.

Well, they are a joy. And they have been a help during this stupid illness that won't go away. They snuggle and keep me warm.

OK, I just changed my mind. I just went and investigated the sudden silence and found a couple of guilty dogs surrounded by what used to be a container of floss. GRRRRRRRR

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