Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I have a new friend.

I'm dictating this letter to G cuz I am exhausted. Yesterday morning, G took me to meet some new folks. She says you know them. Paul, Cassie, Tyler and Pepper. I'll be honest, Paul and Cassie were nice (even if Paul kept calling me a "Rat Dog"); Tyler was fun but let me tell you, Mom & Dad, Pepper was awesome! She's smaller than Coco but still lots bigger than me and once she decided I was OK she was great to play with. We chased each other, played with her private stash of stuffed toys behind the chair and just had the best time. When Tyler was on the floor, we would run around him and he would make this noise that sounded silly to me but all the adult laughed like crazy everytime he did it. G called it giggling.

G snuck me some eggs (yummy) and bacon (yummy, too) and I stole one of G's chocolate balls so between the food and all the playing, when we left I was tired. G put me in my crate and set me on the seat next to her in the car and I went fast asleep. I forgot to whine and yelp and show my displeasure in not being held in her arms. Several times through the day G would wake me up. She said she was making sure I was all right cuz I was sleeping too soundly. HELLO!!! That's a good thing. Don't wake me up because I'm sleeping to much. Hasn't she ever heard that you let sleeping dogs lie?? She's a nutcase.

Before we left to go to Pepper's house, G let me open my gifts. I was a little overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do first. Play with my toys, model the sweatshirt G gave me or try my snacks. I saved the pig ears for today. I shared one with Coco and before I could finish mine, the greedy dog stole it! G fixed her butt - she took me into my big crate and closed me in with another ear. Coco can't get in - so there!

Yesterday, I wound up sleeping from 12:30 pm to 9:00 pm, ate a snack, went back to sleep till 1:30 am, took a potty break and went back to sleep and slept till 12:30 pm today! After an hour of play with Coco we both crashed and slept for another 8 hours. Think I may have overdone it. YAWN

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