Saturday, December 15, 2007

Day One

Dear Mom and Dad,

Just a note to let you know I'm doing fine. I miss you guys but I'm staying busy so I won't be too sad.

The trip to NC was a challenge. Gramama drove for a long time and finally let me out so I could play the "round and round Gramama's neck" game. Once I got tired, I snuggled between the back of her neck and the thing she called a headrest. It was a good snuggle.

After a LONG time in the car - SHE GAVE IT AWAY!!This really nice man who thought I was adorable, (of course) made G take all of her stuff out (me included) and he just drove the car away and left us standing there! Gramama lugged her boxes on wheels over to a bus. A bus is a much bigger car to hold more people to adore me and go "ooooo and aaaaaaa". Once I was tired of putting on a show for those folks we got off the bus and went into what G called an airport. It's an even bigger place with more people to tell me how cute I am. One man traded G some food for some paper and he told us how he had 11 chihuahuas, including one that is 19. I think that's about how old G is - are you sure it's ok to leave me with a people that is that old? Just asking.

I'm not real sure what happened next. I was playing on the floor next to G and she started playing a game with me. She had a tiny piece of something that she wanted me to put in my mouth. The object of the game was for me NOT to let it go down my throat. What a fun game. Unfortunately I finally lost the game and after a couple of minutes the world started spinning! I couldn't stand up or even hold my head up. Wow, what a feeling. I closed my eyes and woke up sitting inside G's dress with a blanket over me. I couldn't stay awake so I'm not sure why we were sitting in that chair. (Just so you know, those people are nuts. They evidently pay money so they can sit in a small seat smushed up next to other people for a few hours. They are crazy.

I woke up later and we were on a tram or train. Once again, I had to perform and show everyone how cute I was. I was really glad when G got to the room we were going to take our next nap in. She stretched across three chairs and snuggled me next to her and we went right back to sleep. This really loud voice without a body attached woke us and and told us to board. Didn't make sense to me so I went back to sleep and left it to G.

We were so sleepy that we went to sleep while others were getting on the thing G called a plane. We woke up and everyone was getting off. I guess it was just another place for a nap cause it didn't do anything. We just slept. Oh, well.

We had to take a walk to find G's boxes on wheels and a strange man pulled up in a car that G says is ours. The man (Joe) scratched me under my chin and properly adored me until I was tired so I growled and snapped at him. HE THUMPED ME ON MY NOSE!!!! And G let him!!! I was so shocked I went right back to sleep.

After another nap at the place G says is our home, we went to a place with lots of dogs and we got to bring one home with us! She's really big. My head and half my body would fit in her mouth! We sniffed each other and I growled to let her know I was the boss and we went back home for another nap. G says she's sick and that's why she needs a lot of sleep. Does that mean we won't get to take naps all the time when she gets well? Coco slept at the foot of the bed and I snuggled up under G's arm. (Mom, you were right. That is the bestest place to snuggle!)

Well, G is helping me type this so I'm going to stop now and go put her to bed so I can keep her warm and help her get well. Goodness me, will my work ever be done?

I miss you guys but I know you said I had a lot of work to do to keep my people happy. She's a lot of work but one day she will be worth it, I'm sure. If you are sure I can do it, then I will.

Love and kisses,
Your loving daughter,

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