Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Secret Exposed

G found out my secret. I heard her talking to someone and after all these months she FINALLY figured out that the "cute face" and "innocent face" were cultivated to keep me out of trouble. I mean, really, how can you punish me for chewing a plastic cup into 4 gazillion pieces when I look at you like that? I may have to work harder to stay out of trouble from now on.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cheap Entertainment

OO, OO, OO - guess what? I found a new toy!!!!! I found my Christmas stocking (purple velvet with white fur trim) and found out that if I shook it really hard and growled a lot, G would laugh at me. I found her laughter to be so exciting that I had to shake it some more. I got so dizzy that I had to stop and then G had to laugh some more because I couldn't walk straight. I thought it was so much fun that I got in G's face until she blew in my face (which makes me bark a lot) and then we started all over again. We did this for the longest time. It really doesn't take much to entertain that woman, does it?

Thursday, April 24, 2008


OK, I think G is making fun of me. She says she's going to tell everybody that Willow comes from Wilhemena the "Billy Goat". I can't help it if I have an addiction to trash. I LOVE to chew up cardboard, plastic (cool sounds from that), pencils, pens, and so forth. G said she was going to call me Buffy because I took a wooden spoon and chewed the ends to make a double pronged stake. HUMPH. If it is in the trash can it means it's fair game, right? I guess I can understand when G flips out when I sit next to her waiting for her to put her styrofoam cup down so I can snatch it away and have my way with it. But still . . . Hey, it's all fine though. G still thinks I'm cute and doesn't strangle me. Boy, I'd better not lose my looks. (That's why I lick off all of the lotion when G puts it on her face. Mary Kay for dogs, right?)

Just so you know . . . I've tried to strangle MYSELF twice this week. I have a blanket that I like to shred on the edges and then twist it around my neck over and over again until it makes me yelp and G comes to rescue me. She won't let me have it when she's not home. I think she's worried that I'll do the strangle thing and not have a way to be rescued. Overprotective but hey, she cares about me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Adventure

Whew, what a couple of days! First on Monday night, G took my food and water away. We went to bed and slept like normal, but no food or water. Hmmmmm.

The next morning I discovered that G had gotten my bed, a blanket and my favorite toy together and put it by the door. Very suspicious. Next G took me for a ride. I so love to ride in the car. To make it even more special, G took me to the smelly place. She calls it the vet but all I know is it smells really good inside and outside. Next the adventure started. G said goodbye and that she would see me later. That's weird. Why was she leaving me at the smelly place? It was ok, that would mean I would get to play with all the lovely ladies. After playing a while the nice lady took me into another room and somehow I went to sleep without trying. When I woke up I was back in the crate they were letting me use. I wasn't feeling all that peachy and I wanted to sleep a lot but they would still play with me. They love me there.

It wasn't as much fun at night. All the pretty ladies went away and I didn't have G's legs to sleep on. So I went to sleep anyway and waited for my friends to come back and play with me. After a few more hours of fun, one of the ladies came and put my leash on me. I was going for a walk! OH GOODY!!! The surprise for me was . . . Gramama came to get me and take me home!!!

So G is telling me I've been fixed. I wasn't broken. On top of everything G says I can't go for a walk for a whole week. That is so not fair! How am I supposed to get all my smells in? RATS!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Picture Time!

G thinks I look like you, Mom. What do you think?

Lost and Found

Hi Mom and Dad!

G and I have been enjoying the warmer weather and have gone for lots of walks. Did you know that if you go to this place G calls a park, you get to make LOTS of new friends? I have seen so many kinds and sizes of dogs that my head spins just thinking about it. Why do they call it a park? When they park their car it means they stop them and get out. When you go to the park, you run and play and don't stop. Just wondering.

I like to take my toys and hide them from G. Sometimes I forget where I hid them! Every now and then I'll find a toy that I hid and I feel like I have a new toy. Last night G found one of my hiding places and found three toys I thought I had lost forever. One of them was Woodstock! I was so happy that after playing with him for a long time I took a nap with Woodstock between my paws and my snout touching. G thought I was adorable and went to get the camera but fortunately I woke up before she got back. Can you imagine how embarrassing that picture would have been? Gee Whiz!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yesterday's adventure

This is Gramama because Willow is sleeping – she’s worn out – you will see why.

Yesterday I was watching conference through the internet (Gotta love that internet!). About half way through, Willow was being a pain. She was jumping on me, running through the house as a crazy dog. She does this every now and then but yesterday’s show was pretty intense.

After conference was over, I was preparing to go out and do a few errands before the next session. The insane dog was dancing around me and was running circles around me. I was concerned that she wasn't settling down. I knew she was getting plenty of exercise. We go on several walks each day and just the day before we had gone on a “smellfest” at PetCo, Sam’s and a really long walk. I went in my bedroom and found the problem.

The nosy dog had somehow gotten my suitcase open and had chewed through a bag that has the basic stuff I might need on a long trip. She had gotten a generic caffeine medicine called Stay Alert and chewed two of the pills. Most of the two pills were still on the floor – must not have tasted good so she spit them out – thank goodness. However she had to have gotten some of it in her because she was bouncing out of her skin. Chihuahuas are not known for being calm, sedate animals so you can imagine what Willow was like after adding caffeine.

I checked to see what I needed to do. Watch her (that was easy, do you remember the ping pong video game?) and dilute the meds. I gave her canned food and liquid and other stuff that she normally only gets as a treat along with lots of water. She was still like a wind up toy when I went to bed. I went to sleep with her wrestling toys all over my body as if I was the obstacle course for Chihuahuas.

Today, she is worn out and sleeping peacefully. I wish I could say the same.

This is Willow. I'm taking a short break from my nap.

How was I supposed to know that those cute little plastic bubbles contained wiggle worm seeds? It tasted yucky and I spit it out but I got enough of the seeds inside me that they grew and wanted to get OUT of me. I was willing to let them out but they wouldn't cooperate. I wanted to go to sleep but they were having a party inside me. YIKES!