Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm in trouble!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I goofed. It was a mistake and G says it's the only reason she didn't feed me to Brownie for a snack. Hey, I'm a puppy, for crying out loud. How was I supposed to know?

It happened like this. Sometimes when I'm playing, my brain goes into overload and I don't know how to stop. G thinks it's funny when I run up and down in a figure 8 but when I want to play with her when I'm feeling that way - she doesn't like that. But when I get this way, I just have no control over myself! I want to take her hands and arms in my mouth and play fight. I don't bite hard! G says my teeth are too sharp for me to do that but . . . but . . . but I just HAVE to! She has to put me in time out so I can calm down.

Well, last night I was in one of those moods. It was bedtime and G didn't want to take me outside to let me go nuts. (See? It was all HER fault!) She pushed me away a few times and that just made me crazier. So she went to grab me to put me in time out just as I was jumping up (with my mouth open) and as I came down and G was backing up to get out of my mouth's path . . . nmdgnrhoihkljg hrgoirheqn khgfoeprhgjk.

What? You didn't get that? My kdjgoqiepr got caught jfhioerhgn ikrjehvoperi gjqhregipohre nhgqieorhg.

OH, ALL RIGHT! I'LL TELL YOU. DANG! My tooth got caught on the end of G's nostril and sliced the end of her nose. You can't really see it. It's mostly on the inside but G says that since she has to blow her nose all the time from the permanent plague that she has had since November . . . well, let's just say she is reminded frequently that I am a pest.

So the point here is that if you don't hear from me in a week or so, it means that Brownie had a little snack and I went to his tummy. You might want to call G and remind her that she loves me a lot.

Your loving daughter,

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