Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Note from Gramama

I complain about my little stinker, but I've got to tell you - she is my sweetheart. She gets to go to Williamsburg with me this weekend and I'm looking forward to our adventure.

Now for my complaint and mind you, I do know that I'm the one who is to blame. I made the mistake of taking a small ball of unused yarn, tying it up to be somewhat secure and gave it to Willow to chew on (top teeth are in but the bottom teeth are taking forever!) She had a blast with it and we were both pleased. I have created a monster. She feels it is her duty to destroy every yarn ball in the house. She seeks them out and I have run out of hiding places to store my yarn. I may have to designate a drawer in my dresser as Yarn City so I can continue to knit and crochet.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gramama is tricky. She took me for a fun ride and I got TWO shots. RUDE.

We went to see my vet. I really like everyone there and enjoy visiting the whole staff but every now and then they gang up on me and give me a shot. How am I supposed to remember that I don't like the place if they keep being nice to me? Geez.

I weigh 5 lbs. and 7 ozs. and the vet thinks I'm going to be even bigger than you, Mom. Cool. hunh?

I do need to make a decision and could use your input - all of you including Sarah and Issac. If I'm not going to have babies of my own then I should get an operation before I'm 6 months old. Something about less chance of breast cancer. What do you all think? Should I have babies or not?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Gramama says she doesn't remember Mom having the problems I'm having when she was getting her dog teeth and losing those puppy teeth. I'm chewing everything I can get my mouth on and they still hurt. G has been patient with me but sometimes I go overboard and she has to let me be by myself so I can calm down.

G rubs my teeth for me sometimes and it feels good. She'd wiggle the loose teeth in front and it would hurt so good! G says the top front teeth are out and she can see the ones coming in. I must have eaten the teeth cause G can't find any tiny teeth anywhere.

A side note - G took the door off of a desk compartment and put my cat cube inside the compartment so I could be closer to her when she's at her desk. Wasn't that nice?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Note from Gramama

Dear Allie, Oscar, Sarah and Isaac,

She's not in as much trouble as she thinks but don't tell her that. A little fact that is saving her life right now is that her teeth are loose and she is teething. I know that's why she is mouthing everything (especially me, I must taste good.) She's dangerous though. Between the "insane dog" action, the mouthing everything and her love for me - she's gonna kill me. She smacked me under my chin tonight, leaving a tooth slash on my chin and knocking my teeth together in a painful smash. Ouch.

PLEASE let this phase go quickly!

Also, you may hear screams all the way in St. George tomorrow. I got a muzzle and I'm going to use two harness/leash dohickeys and cut her nails. It's bad enough I have marks from those shark teeth, the nails have GOT to go.


PS: She has FINALLY figured out that when she pees on the puppy pad and I praise her - it's connected, duh. Now if I could just get her to do #2 on the pad, sigh. (Allie, thank you for not being as stubborn (or dense) as your daughter.)

Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm in trouble!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I goofed. It was a mistake and G says it's the only reason she didn't feed me to Brownie for a snack. Hey, I'm a puppy, for crying out loud. How was I supposed to know?

It happened like this. Sometimes when I'm playing, my brain goes into overload and I don't know how to stop. G thinks it's funny when I run up and down in a figure 8 but when I want to play with her when I'm feeling that way - she doesn't like that. But when I get this way, I just have no control over myself! I want to take her hands and arms in my mouth and play fight. I don't bite hard! G says my teeth are too sharp for me to do that but . . . but . . . but I just HAVE to! She has to put me in time out so I can calm down.

Well, last night I was in one of those moods. It was bedtime and G didn't want to take me outside to let me go nuts. (See? It was all HER fault!) She pushed me away a few times and that just made me crazier. So she went to grab me to put me in time out just as I was jumping up (with my mouth open) and as I came down and G was backing up to get out of my mouth's path . . . nmdgnrhoihkljg hrgoirheqn khgfoeprhgjk.

What? You didn't get that? My kdjgoqiepr got caught jfhioerhgn ikrjehvoperi gjqhregipohre nhgqieorhg.

OH, ALL RIGHT! I'LL TELL YOU. DANG! My tooth got caught on the end of G's nostril and sliced the end of her nose. You can't really see it. It's mostly on the inside but G says that since she has to blow her nose all the time from the permanent plague that she has had since November . . . well, let's just say she is reminded frequently that I am a pest.

So the point here is that if you don't hear from me in a week or so, it means that Brownie had a little snack and I went to his tummy. You might want to call G and remind her that she loves me a lot.

Your loving daughter,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Strategy

to drive G crazy. This weekend I decided that ALL of my toys MUST reside on G's bed. Good thing it's a queen bed. When G tries to take some of the toys off the bed (to make room for her), I search like mad until I find it and bring it back. Evil plan, hunh?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

More pictures

I have so much fun making faces and showing my butt whenever G gets out the camera. She really thinks I should sit still and pose for her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

G made me add this next picture. I don't see the big deal but she gets all crazy when I dig and chew something to death. It feels good! So, this is a picture of the inside of the cube (and my paw) after my redecorating party.

If you look at the paw in that picture you will also see another pet peeve I have about G. WHY does she insist that I have to have my nails cut? Of course, I refuse to let her do it and she's taken me to the room inside of PetSmart where these mean people hold me down and cut them anyway. I'm proud to say it takes a minimum of two people to do it and they know I was not happy when it's over.

Here I am again!

This is one of the not so great pictures but it shows my beautiful profile.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here I am.

G said to make sure I told you that it took about 20 pictures to get this one. She says she doesn't want a picture of my butt. I don't know why, it is cute, you know.

That Woman!

You have GOT to do something about that woman! She takes my toys away! It's not fair.

I stashed a box of q-tips in a hiding place and would go back every now and then and get one to tote around for a while then chew the ends off. If Gramama saw me she would take it away! Some nonsense about it going down my throat and hurting me. What rubbish!

Well- today she found where I was hiding my box AND SHE TOOK IT AWAY! How often am I going to find boxes of q-tips, for crying out loud?