Friday, June 13, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere!

G thinks I'm crazy. One day I was practicing my bark and she banished me to the bathroom - with the door SHUT! Each day we go through the same thing. I finally figured out that if I shut up she would let me out. Maybe the second time, it was really hot so she stopped up the tub and put a little water in it for me to drink. Now I'm hooked. When G goes to the bathroom for any reason, I run and get in the tub and wait for her to give me some water. Why should I use my water dispenser when I have G hopping?

On another note - I had something that G calls a tick. I don't know exactly what that is because G wouldn't let me play with it when she pulled it off of me. It sounds exciting though. G sure got excited anyway. Now she is concerned because I have a little bump where the tick was. But then she's a worrywart so - whatever -

PS - Tell Sarah and Isaac we want to see what my sibs look like now.

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