Monday, June 30, 2008

Reporting from NC

Mom and Dad,

First I have to tell you how I fooled Gramama. She has these really tasty shoes and when I ate the second shoe she started putting her shoes up on a shelf where I can't get to it. I only like this one kind of shoe and leave all of her other shoes alone which really puzzles G. Gotta keep her on her toes, you know? Well, last night I was able to sneak her shoes and hide them. I won't tell G how I got them or where I put them and G was very perturbed today when she was looking for her shoes so she could go to church. Instead of staying home with me like she should have, she put on another pair of shoes and went anyway. Bummer. Still it was pretty cool hiding her shoes.

Tonight when she got home, she wasn't sounding quite right. Her voice was all funny and she said her throat hurt. Poor G! I felt sorry for her so I brought out one of the shoes. Wasn't that nice of me to share? I hadn't chewed on them yet, just licked the lining a little bit. A few hours later, she was making funny noises and blowing her nose a lot and really sounded funny. It's not her voice anymore! So I went and brought her the other shoe. She's really snugly right now. She's warmer than normal so I cuddle up real close.

One last thing - you should have warned me about NC's summer thunderstorms. They are S-C-A-R-Y as all get out. (I'm a southern girl now so I use cute expression like that.) When it rains really hard it sounds like the house is going to float away, not to mention the thunder actually shakes the house. Whew.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My sibs

Hey Mom and Dad,

You have beautiful puppies even if I must say so myself.
I don't know my sibs names - wanna help me out?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

From Gramama

This dog is doomed. Those shoes are my favorite shoes - EVER - so much so that I bought a second pair. So when she chewed the left shoe, I got the left one from the second pair. So tonight? SHE CHEWED UP THE RIGHT SHOE! Has she lost her flipping MIND? Next I'm gonna chew her . . . well, you know. GRRRRR

Allie and Oscar? If you receive a package one day that has air holes in it, let her out and YOU can keep her. GRRRRRRR

Monday, June 16, 2008


Hey M&D,

Have you ever met a frog? I met one last night. It was kinda cool but it upset G. Here's what happened.

G was on her computer and suddenly she jumped up and ran into the kitchen area. Of course, I got up to find out what she was doing. She had seen movement out of the corner of her eye and realized there was a frog in the house with us. I was so excited! I've never seen a frog before although I hear them all the time. I tried to play with it while G was trying to catch it and take it outside. She likes to spoil my fun that way. So the frog kept jumping and went under a bookcase. G moved the bookcase and the frog was GONE!! We looked everywhere and it just was not there. G was not happy but I enjoyed the frog encounter.

Love, Willow

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Boy, did I make a boo boo. G has put up with me chewing up plastic cups, cardboard containers and so forth. I went one step too far and she is very not happy with me. She was watching a DVD and I got behind her chair and chewed the bow off of her shoe. It felt so good that I chewed the shoe too. Not only did she scold me, she won't let me lick her food container from her frozen meal. She rinsed it out so I couldn't even get anything out of the trash.

I feel really bad about making G angry and I give her all the cute looks possible to let her know I love her but she has hardened her heart and isn't buying my act. Maybe if I do it long enough . . .

Friday, June 13, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere!

G thinks I'm crazy. One day I was practicing my bark and she banished me to the bathroom - with the door SHUT! Each day we go through the same thing. I finally figured out that if I shut up she would let me out. Maybe the second time, it was really hot so she stopped up the tub and put a little water in it for me to drink. Now I'm hooked. When G goes to the bathroom for any reason, I run and get in the tub and wait for her to give me some water. Why should I use my water dispenser when I have G hopping?

On another note - I had something that G calls a tick. I don't know exactly what that is because G wouldn't let me play with it when she pulled it off of me. It sounds exciting though. G sure got excited anyway. Now she is concerned because I have a little bump where the tick was. But then she's a worrywart so - whatever -

PS - Tell Sarah and Isaac we want to see what my sibs look like now.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hey Mom and Dad,

I learned how to do something at the family reunion and now G is giving me a hard time about it. G says that I didn't have a real bark, just a high pitched squeal and whine. I don't know what the heck she's talking about - but - whatever.

So at the reunion we were in a room near the office on the ground floor and people would walk by day and night. They didn't make any noise but I knew they were there. There was a shadow under the door that would move when they went by. I wanted to let them know that I was there and would love to play and smell them. So I did my normal thing and they didn't notice. So I tried to get louder and this really cool noise came out. It was loud and different and surprised me a little bit. Surprised G too. She sat up in bed and asked me where the dog was. HMMPHT. So now I know how to bark for real and G says it's too loud and goes right through her eardrum. Picky woman.

PS - G thinks all my sibs are beautiful but she has a soft spot for the chocolate one and says that Alien or Runtie is NOT a good name. How about Essie for Chocolate is Essiential to my diet.
Reese? for Reeses PB Cups? Snickers? cause she's chocolaty and nutty too? I like Snickers the best, but that's just me.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Hey Sarah!

Thanks for the emails and pictures. G told me to post these so you'd know what came through my email and what didn't. The ones listed as 0088, 0130, 0134, 0113, 1414 and 0132 didn't come through.
The pictures are kinda big files and you know old G - gotta use the stuff that costs the least. Not that I'm calling her cheap or anything. lol