Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Dear Mom,

I hope you had a Happy Birthday. G and I had a special treat and celebrated for you. We both miss you very much. G says I look more and more like you every day. I now weigh just under 6 pounds and G says I have your deer legs. Springs, too - I don't understand that one but she said that you would.

The weather has been really nice lately and we go outside a lot. I LOVE walks and car rides. Nights are a little strange because we have something called owls. G says I can't go outside by myself at night because they might think I'm a snack. She says they are huge - 2 to 3 times bigger than me. I still get a little freaked out when they make their noises. They are loud and click and whoooo and all sorts of weird noises. I run from window to window hoping to see them but G says I really don't want to ever meet one.

Our trip to Williamsburg was great. I got to have a room with two beds, a TV, my own bathroom and another area that G says was for dressing. I only had to share with Aunt Ruth and G for a little while at night which was OK since I love to sleep with G anyway. The rest of the time I had the area to myself and when they would come back from their boring little lives they would adore me properly and let me go all over the suite. I was real good and went on my potty pad the whole time. Karen was real nice too. I love being adored by one and all.

I scared G a little. While in Williamsburg, G got me some really cool rawhide chews. They were long and skinny and I had a blast chewing on either end of it. Weeeellllllll, G saw pink on both ends and figured out that I was making my back teeth come out while I was chewing. I'd been trying to get those silly things out and I thought it was great. We had a fight over the chews but G finally calmed down and let me do what I had to do.

Tell everyone I said Hi and let Isaac know we celebrated his birthday too. I like all these birthdays! I get treats!

Your loving daughter,


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