Friday, July 4, 2008


G says she's going to change my name to PIB (aka Pain in Bottom). It was an accident and anyway how was I supposed to know I could jump that high???

G came home and I greeted her as I always do, with joy and adulation. I have to let her know how much I love her right? Sometimes she tricks me by being gone for less that 5 minutes but I greet her with energy and vigor anyway. I know she doesn't want me to jump on her and really this is the only time I HAFTA do it so I was doing my normal jump, wiggle, squirm, repeat routine and then it happened. I jumped so high that I nipped G's nose! Can you believe that?? We were both surprised but G couldn't decide whether to be proud of me for jumping that high or to knock me into next week. Before she could decide, I quickly settled down so she wouldn't remember what I did. I think it worked, but just in case . . . I need an alibi . . .

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