Friday, October 17, 2008

Kesi the Rhodesian Ridgeback

Here's some pictures of the newest member of the Sand clan... Kesi.  She's 4 months old and weighs about 30 lbs.  Her dad weighs 120 and her mom weighs 85... so she's going to be big! She's very calm and sweet.  Allie and Oscar don't know quite what to think of her yet but so far they all get along ok.  

Isaac has always wanted a Rhodesian Ridgeback.  They're also known as an African Lion Hound because they were used to keep lions at bay.  They get their name from the strip of hair on their backs that grows in the opposite direction and resembles a ridge.  They are very strong with lots and lots of stamina, very smart, very friendly and usually only bark when they want you to know something.  

We are so happy to have her!!!  

If you'd like to learn more about Rhodesian Ridgebacks click here


Gramama said...


She's beautiful! How do you pronounce her name? KEE SEE? Where did you find her? Does she like to play with Mom and Dad? Oh how I wish I could play with her, sigh. I love big dogs.

Thank you for the pictures. Now maybe G will get off her hiney and post my pictures for you.

ashes2embers said...

Pronounced Keh See. We found her in Oklahoma (just like Allie) and we picked her up from the Vegas airport on the 17th. She gets along well with the "Old Timer's" (Allie and Oscar) and LOVES going to the dog park, DP for short, and playing with all of the other dogs and getting loads of attention from the people there as well. She is such a good dog and follows us around everywhere we go.