Friday, October 17, 2008

Kesi the Rhodesian Ridgeback

Here's some pictures of the newest member of the Sand clan... Kesi.  She's 4 months old and weighs about 30 lbs.  Her dad weighs 120 and her mom weighs 85... so she's going to be big! She's very calm and sweet.  Allie and Oscar don't know quite what to think of her yet but so far they all get along ok.  

Isaac has always wanted a Rhodesian Ridgeback.  They're also known as an African Lion Hound because they were used to keep lions at bay.  They get their name from the strip of hair on their backs that grows in the opposite direction and resembles a ridge.  They are very strong with lots and lots of stamina, very smart, very friendly and usually only bark when they want you to know something.  

We are so happy to have her!!!  

If you'd like to learn more about Rhodesian Ridgebacks click here

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Dear Mom and Dad,

OK, what did Sarah do to Gramama? She said to tell you that pictures of me are being held hostage. The ransom price is pictures of Sarah and Issac as well as pictures of you two and just to sweeten the deal? Pictures of all of you together!!

My birthday was kinda quiet. G had a "cake" for me and a pretty pink sweater and a toy. Aunt Ruth even gave me a present! She gave me a pretty blue raincoat. To tell the truth, if G hadn't said something I would have missed the whole birthday, I just don't understand G's obsession with celebrations.

Now here is the kicker. She also got me a Halloween costume. I am a bumble bee, complete with wings. I really want to get those wings and chew them up but G takes all the fun out of everything.

She is so strange. She puts one of those pee-pee pads down in my room so I'll have a place to go when she's not home. I have fun and "dig" it up every day. Well, she got this foamboard with a plastic outside to put it on with the sticky stuff called adhesive. I thought it was a great toy and chewed the heck out of it. She wasn't as pleased as I thought she should be.